6 datasets found

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  • Permit Inspections Schedule

    All permitted projects require an inspection by a Building and Safety Division Inspector. An inspection ensures that the project is constructed according to approved plans....
  • Active Demolition Permits for Buildings over 40 Years

    This dataset shows all demolition permit applications for structures over 40 years old. As a result, there may be permits listed for accessory structures exempt from demolition...
  • Active Building & Safety Permits

    Santa Monica requires permits for building, construction, and business activities.
  • Registered Special Inspectors

    In addition to the inspections required by Section 108, some construction projects require that a deputy inspector verifies specific aspects of the construction and that the...
  • Building & Safety Demolition Plan Checks

    This dataset is a listing of all demolition permit applications currently under review by the City. Due to limitations of prior software used by the City, applications from 2016...
  • Assessor Parcels Data - 2015

    Los Angeles County Valuation and property description for parcels on the Assessor's annual secured assessment rolls 2006 thru 2016. The default sort is by AssessorID and...